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“My kid, who will be in the 1st grade in the fall, joined the summer program at JunZiLan Montessori school during the COVID19 pandemic. Through online teaching, the teachers had to make extra efforts to provide an enriched and individualized curriculum, and they did a remarkable job. A thoughtfully selected theme for each week was taught from different angles through math, science, language, and big group circle time. The materials were carefully prepared by the teachers and mailed directly to our house each week. These materials included laminated prints, art and craft materials,  even the smallest things needed in the class such as paper clips. How considerate the teachers were to take the burden of remote learning from the parents as much as possible!  Most importantly, all of these teachers are very experienced. Through close observation of my kid, they identified his strength and weakness even better than I did. Not only did my kid gain a lot of knowledge, his creativity and independence were inspired through the summer program.  The teachers provided a summary of each day’s class and specific comments on each kid. The timely communication and close engagement with parents were highly appreciated. They also provided parent education conferences, through which I learned very valuable parenting skills.  Both my kid and I loved the teachers so much, and I hope Jun Zi Lan will open an elementary school very soon.”  – P. Wang in Wayland, MA


“Both of my kids go to Jun Zi Lan.  They really like the school and the teachers.  I am a big believer in the Montessori Education methodology.  What makes Jun Zi Lan unique from other Montessori schools in the area is that it is also a Chinese/English immersion school.  Its emphasis on both cultures and languages is especially attractive to Chinese American families like ours. I also like the fact that the teachers not only spend time and effort on the children, they also spend a tremendous amount of time communicating with the parents. Right after my kids were enrolled into the school, we had a chance to participate in a series of weekly seminars catered to Jun Zi Lan parents.  The teachers shared key concepts of Montessori teaching methods and discussed important parenting skills.  I learned a lot from the seminars. You can always contact the teachers for any questions and issues that you might have, and they are always very responsive.  I would strongly recommend this school to any family who is interested in an authentic Montessori education experience as well as learning Chinese language and culture! Nice job, Miss Sandra, Miss Jing and Miss Kari!”  – Charles H. in Lexington, MA


“We live in Texas but got to know Jun Zi Lan through friends. We joined an online  parent group created by the founder prior to the pandemic. The school director is one of a kind. She is truly passionate about Montessori philosophy and teaches with heart. Through numerous zoom meetings hosted by the school, some for students and some for the parents, our kids (6 and 2 yr old) learned so much about themselves and the world. We as parents have also learned a lot of practical skills, from how to raise next generation world entrepreneurs to how to organize the play room. More importantly, the school puts in so much effort in introducing Chinese culture, and promoting the beneficial attributes of multicultural community. If I live in Boston, I would have undoubtedly sent my kids to Jun Zi Lan, a school that is dedicated to form a trusting and supportive community.”  – Yan W. in Houston, TX


“We’re so lucky to have this Chinese English bilingual Montessori school in this community! We participated in some weekend parent-children classes earlier this year and my three year old daughter loves the teachers and their teaching styles. We have enrolled for next year.”  -Xiaowen Y, in Cambridge, MA


感谢三位老师对孩子的付出,也让我体验了什么是融入了爱的教育,希望还有机会能和老师们见面,上课!”  -Anhui in China


“I’m a mother of two and want to raise my kids to be bilingual (Chinese and English). I am a fan of Montessori, and love the Montessori methodology. I was happy that I met Jun Zi Lan’s head teacher Jing. My son attended her class and bonded with her right away. He adores her and follows her like a little duckling.  I love Jun Zi Lan’s nurturing environment and the classroom learning materials. Things are made of wood, metal and real glass. I am amazed with the Chinese language learning materials, they are easy for children to understand and play with. My son was obsessed.  The teachers in Jun Zi Lan are knowledgeable, nice and very patient with the kids. They follow the children’s lead, give them freedom to choose the work, encourage and help children to be independent, let children learn in their own pace until they fully understand. I trust they will create a nurturing environment for my kid to learn and grow. ” – Sharon in Cambridge, MA


“Jun Zi Lan school provided my child an exciting yet challenging online learning opportunity during this pandemic. I was thoroughly impressed by how passionate and organized the teachers were. During the past two months, they had introduced a wide range of interesting topics such as the earth, fraction, multiplication and division, and the beauty in nature to my 4 years old. My child woke up excited and energized everyday, looked forward to the virtual classes. I would strongly recommend Jun Zi Lan to any family interested in Montessori education. ”


“I was not a believer in Montessori education for everyone. I fell for a common misconception that an introverted child like my son Lucas might not develop social skills very well in a Montessori school. I did not even visit a single Montessori school when I toured childcare centers for Lucas four year ago. Then I got to know Jenny, the daughter of Miss Jing. Just as Lucas, Jenny was a sensitive and introverted child. Carefully guided and nurtured by her mom and her Montessori teachers, she flourished into a confident, motivated, courageous and courteous young lady. Marveled by Jenny’s transformation, I became intrigued about Montessori philosophy of education. The more I learn about the individualized approach following the child’s unique passion and strength, the more I believe that Montessori school IS for everyone. I was so excited to learn that Miss Jing was going to open a Montessori school in Cambridge together with Miss Sandra and Miss Kari. When they offered free parent/child Saturday class earlier this year, I took both Lucas and Lillian there to have an authentic Montessori experience. I was blown away by the beautiful & inviting classroom setting, thoughtfully prepared teacher demonstration, and the skillful guidance from the teachers to all the participating kids. Not only five year old Lucas was fascinated by these educational yet fun activities, two year old Lillian was also highly engaged in the class. I consider myself very lucky to have met Miss Jing and been introduced to Montessori philosophy. It is better late than never, and I can not wait for Lillian to start at Jun Zi Lan.”  – Huili Zh, Phd. in Belmont, MA


“I am thrilled to see Jun Zi Lan successfully launched their online teaching program during COVID-19. I first got to know Dr. Sandra Lee during my Montessori teacher training at Montessori Institute New England (MI-NE). Dr Lee has deep understanding of Montessori pedagogy, children literature, and world language development. When I introduced my dear friend Jing Su to Dr Sandra, they clicked immediately as they both shared strong passion in Montessori philosophy. Soon after they met in 2018, they decided build a world-class Chinese Immersion Montessori School. It is amazing to see how Jing and Dr. Sandra pour their  love for children into building Jun Zi lan. I am confident that Jun Zi Lan will not only be an excellent school for the local students, it will grow into a well recognized  bilingual early education center worldwide! ”  – Dr. Aihua J, Md, PhD in Andover, MA

Jun Zi Lan Montessori School

88 Cambridgepark Dr

Cambridge , MA 02140

(781) 918-3260

<<SCHOOL NAME>> est une organisation à but non lucratif et ne fait aucune discrimination fondée sur la race, la couleur, l'origine nationale ou ethnique, la croyance, la religion, le sexe, le handicap, l'âge, l'état matrimonial, l'orientation sexuelle ou le statut en matière d'assistance publique. De plus, <<NOM DE L'ÉCOLE>> admet les élèves de toute race, couleur, origine nationale et ethnique à tous les droits, privilèges, programmes et activités généralement accordés ou mis à la disposition des élèves de l'école. Il ne fait aucune discrimination sur la base de la race, de la couleur, de l'origine nationale et ethnique dans l'administration de ses politiques éducatives, politiques d'admission, programmes de bourses et de prêts, et programmes d'athlétisme et autres programmes administrés par l'école.

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