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About Our School


Two children drawing and working together
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Our Teacher Leader

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Jing Su

Founding Teacher Leader and Primary Guide

A mother, an educator, a community builder, and a good friend.

Jing Su has over a decade of experience as an energy strategy consultant and a company executive. Deeply rooted in both US and Chinese culture, Jing has been a strong advocate and practitioner for US-China collaboration.

She received her master’s degree in Environmental Management from Yale University, a master’s degree in Environmental Engineering, and a Bachelor of Science from Shanghai Jiaotong University in China. She is an American Montessori Society (AMS) certified Montessorian, trained at the New England Montessori Teacher Education Center.

She has a 5-year-old daughter and a 2-year-old son as of 2019. Her husband is a practicing physician in the Boston area who is also a firm believer in Montessori pedagogy. Our family’s motto is “Think positively and positive things will happen.”.

Jun Zi Lan Montessori School

88 Cambridgepark Dr

Cambridge , MA 02140

(781) 918-3260

<<SCHOOL NAME>> 是一个非营利组织,不因种族、肤色、民族或族裔、信仰、宗教、性别、残疾、年龄、婚姻状况、性取向或在公共援助方面的地位而存在歧视。此外,<<SCHOOL NAME>> 承认任何种族、肤色、民族和民族血统的学生享有学校通常授予或提供给学生的所有权利、特权、计划和活动。它在其教育政策、招生政策、奖学金和贷款计划以及体育和其他学校管理的计划的管理中不存在种族、肤色、民族和民族血统的歧视。

<<SCHOOL>> 是一个非营利 501(c)(3) 组织

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